Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oscar Nominee Analysis: Best Actress

Best Actress

Glenn Close
Albert Nobbs

Meryl Streep
The Iron Lady

Michelle Williams
My Week with Marilyn

Rooney Mara
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Viola Davis
The Help

The biggest snub here is Tilda Swinton for her performance in We Need To Talk About Kevin. The reviews for her performance are glowing, and I was really shocked to see that she was the one who was left out. The battle for that last spot would have been between her and Rooney Mara for her daring portrayel as Lisbeth Salander in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I really can't argue with the snub though, as I've seen Dragon Tattoo twice, and each time the best part of the film was Mara. Another snub was Charlize Theron, who starred in the Jason Reitman dark comedy Young Adult, in which she was pretty much, well, a total bitch. This will be a very, very tough battle between all of the nominees. Each nominee, aside from Rooney Mara, is really just Oscar bait. Glenn Close plays a man in Albert Nobbs. Michelle Williams plays the iconic Marilyn Monroe in My Week with Marilyn. Meryl Streep plays the lone female Prime Minister of Britain in the awful film The Iron Lady. And Viola Davis plays the help during a time of racial tension in, well, The Help. This will be an exciting battle, and one that I'm not sure I'll be able to predict.

Films I Haven't Seen: Albert Nobbs; My Week with Marilyn

Tilda Swinton, We Need To Talk About Kevin
Charlize Theron, Young Adult
Kirsten Dunst, Melancholia
Elizabeth Olsen, Martha Marcy May Marlene

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oscar Nominee Analysis: Best Actor

Best Actor

Demien Bichir
A Better Life

Brad Pitt

Gary Oldman
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

George Clooney
The Descendants

Jean Dujardin
The Artist

I'm completely fine with this, although I am suspecting that it's becoming an Oscar tradition to just throw in one Spanish actor our of nowhere. Last year it was Javiar Bardem for Biutiful, which he was pretty damn good in. I can't really speak for Demian Bichir though since I have not seen A Better Life yet. It is a shame (heh, get it) Michae Fassbender was not nominated for his portrayal of a sex addict in Shame. But I am extremely happy to see that Gary Oldman was nominated for his very first Oscar. If anyone deserves to be nominated, it's definitely him. Michael Fassbender wasn't the only actor to be snubbed for a nomination. Leonardo DiCaprio was one of the favorites to be nominated for his portrayel of J. Edgar Hoover in the Clint Eastwood directed film J. Edgar. Even if everything may have went wrong in that movie, he was the one thing that went right, even with a glob of make-up on his face. Also, the It-Man of the year, Ryan Gosling, was looked over for his roles in Drive and The Ides of March. It seemed as if he was a shoo-in with all of the great things he's been a part of in 2011, but the Oscars voters obviously felt differently and ignored this beautiful man.

Films I Haven't Seen: A Better Life; Moneyball

Leonardo DiCaprio, J. Edgar
Michael Fassbender, Shame
Ryan Gosling, The Ides of March; Drive

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oscar Nominee Analysis: Best Picture

To help myself stay sane, instead of doing EVERYTHING right here and right now, I'm going to break down each category day-by-day, beginning with the biggest award of the Oscars, Best Picture.

Best Picture

The Artist

The Descendants

Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

The Help


Midnight in Paris


The Tree of Life

War Horse

For the most part, the Academy did pretty well here. For the first time in history, there are nine films nomination for Best Picture; and out of the nine, there is only one I didn’t fully expect: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Now, how could a film like this be nominated? Three reasons: 1) Scott Rudin is one of the most well known, and best liked movie producers in the business; 2) Stephen Daldry is loved by the Academy; 3) Screenwriter Eric Roth, who has brought to life films such as Forrest Gump and The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. What would I do to fix this? Take out Extremely Loud, include either Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Tinker Tailor, or Drive, and that would be my remedy. I know War Horse is getting a lot of heat for being nominated, but it was a pretty good movie so I won’t argue against it, and I feel the same way with The Help. I will say, it was a pleasent surprise to see The Tree of Life here. Many others, including myself, could not have predicted it being there, but this may be due to the fact that the Academy loves Malick. It also would have been nice to see love for what's being hailed by critics as the best film of the year, A Separation, but that would be asking too much of the Academy to give a foreign language film a Best Picture nom. A nice surprise would have been Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 gathering a nomination, but the Academy wouldn't do that.

Films I Haven't Seen: Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close; Moneyball

Rottentomatoes Ratings: 
The Artist: 97%
Moneyball: 95%
Hugo: 94%
Midnight in Paris:93%
The Descendants: 89%
The Tree of Life: 84%
War Horse: 77%
The Help: 76%
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close: 47%

A Separation: 99%
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2: 96%
Drive: 93%
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: 87%
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy: 84%

Saturday, January 21, 2012

We'll Be Back in Business Starting January 25th

After having some laptop issues which were out of my control, I've been watching films, old and new, and doing what I can to keep myself updated. But I'm back. Well. Soon at least. I'll be posting new material on here beginning next Wednesday, as these next few days I'll be preparing to head back to college. I shall see you all soon.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Must See Movies for January

We're about one week into January, and it's safe to say that there really hasn't been many good movies to check out. Actually, just yesterday I received two free passes to go to a pre-screening of The Devil Inside. I decided to stay home and watch the Rangers game instead. Anywho! Here's 7 films, plus a couple of mentions if you're interested in some possible Oscar worthy films that I'm not all that interested in. All plot info comes from Moviefone.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Movie Review - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Screenplay - 3/5

While the film sounded extremely smart and sophisticated, it doesn't mean that it's easy for an audience to truly understand what people are talking about. I get that it's tough to condense a novel into a film format, especially knowing that there's a 7 episode television series (which would be about 7 hours devoted to the source material), but clearly there were just too many characters to remember and just too much going on. 

Editing/Pacing - 3/5

Again, bringing up the fact this film is based off a novel that has so much material, it's tough to find the perfect balance. The film does start off a tad slow, but it does slowly build itself up. At times it does feel awkward, but it's due to the fact that the film is trying so hard to fit as much as possible. It all does work out in the end for a fantastic finish.

Score - 4/5

It's not overpowering to where it'll blow your ears off (looking at you Hans), but it's not something that'll move you to feel a certain way. It helps to dictate the direction the film is going. At times, the score is so subtle that you can confuse it for something that's playing in the life of these characters. The score was created by Alberto Iglesias, who has also composed for films such as The Constant Gardener, Volver, and The Kite Runner.

Mise-En-Scene - 5/5

The look of the film feels so much like Britain during the 1970's as far as the color scheme goes. It all feels like an espionage film, which is where you have to give credit to Art Directors Tom Brown and Zsuzsa Kismarty-Lechner. The film is filled with brown and gray palettes, and you can just feel something shady is going on.

Acting - 5/5

This was expected with the superb cast that takes part in this film. Gary Oldman, Toby Jones, Colin Firth, John Hurt, Tom Hardy, Mark Strong, CiarĂ¡n Hinds, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Dencik, Roger Lloyd-Pack, Stephen Graham, Kathy Burke, Svetlana Khodchenkova. This is a massive list, and all of them play their parts perfectly, regardless of how small a role it may have been. Gary Oldman, playing the lead role of George Smiley, really just takes the role and runs with it. He challenges Guinness, who was amazing in his portrayal of Smiley. Gary Oldman should be considered for Best Actor, but we'll just have to see what happens. John Hurt, who had a short amount of screen time, gives it his all, and it's obvious he's exhausted from his search to find this mole that lies within his men. I could go through each actor one by one, but I'll jump to the actor who really took it away: Benedict Cumberbatch. Most of you may not know him, but I'm telling you...he'll be around for quite some time. He ends up playing the role of Smiley's right hand man, Peter Guillam. For the sake of the movie, I won't say much more about the character, but you'll most definitely be impressed. 

Directing - 5/5

Taking a piece of literature like this is tough to put into a film, especially when there's a lot that comes with the challenge. Tomas Alfredson takes the challenge and makes the world of 1970's Britain his own. Every choice that Alfredson made worked out perfectly for the film, and I'm sure he won't get the appreciation he deserves come Oscar season, but it surely won't go unnoticed. Alfredson, who also directed the vampire film Let The Right One In, has a great idea of what he wants, and brings out the best in his actors.

Overall - 4/5

This is a dark horse film that could possibly win Best Picture in the majority of award shows, but, being realistic, it probably won't win much. That doesn't take away from how fantastic this film truly is. It has so much going for it, and to pick out any flaws the film may have actually hurts me. I will say this, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy is the best film I've had the chance to watch to come out in 2011.

New Review System

Instead of just giving a number review, I'll be breaking the film down by certain aspects of filmmaking -- screenplay, editing, score, mise-en-scene, acting, and directing. From there, I'll be giving a certain number of stars, ranging from 1 - 5. When I get other members to be a part of the group, they may have different ways. But from here on out, this is how I'll be doing things. Tomorrow I'll begin with three films - Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Midnight Cowboy, and On The Waterfront.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Segments for 2012/Help Wanted

Alright! After having a bit of time off to refresh and relax, I'm back. And I've got some things in-store for the next year. If I keep at it for that long. Who knows. We'll see. Anywho. I have a few ideas I'm going to try out for the blog, and I'll see how smoothly they go. Although I will say that I may not be able to work on here as much as I am associated with another blog, so we'll see how things work out.

Now let's get to the new segments. First off, with the Oscars coming up, I'll be doing my usual predictions on A) who should be nominated; and B) who should win. This is nothing new if you know me, but it's something I'll take much more seriously this time around. Next, I'll be doing a month by month review of films that I believe will be either fantastic or just fun to watch. Films will range from blockbusters, indie films, to films that seem like they'll be awful but look like it'll be funny as hell to watch, whether it be intentional or not (looking at you Ghost Rider). I will try to be more consistent with my movie reviews and with updates from onlocationvacations and premieres, but doing everything myself is pretty tough. Which is where I may be looking for some help.

If anyone would be interested in contributing to this blog in any way, contact me. I've done all I could on my own, and I want to expand this thing, and I won't be able to expand alone. If interested, my e-mail address is joshua.kaye@purchase.edu, or you can find me on facebook at Josh Kaye. Let's get this new year started!