Thursday, November 3, 2011

Characters Posters for SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS; Promo Poster for 12 YEARS A SLAVE; Images and Poster from SAFE HOUSE

We have a lot going on here, so let's get going. First off, character posters for Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows have been released, and I must admit, I'm more excited to see the movie than I was before. The posters may not be anything special, but these characters seem pretty badass, especially Noomi Rapace who's holding knives. Knives are fun. Anywho, here are the posters. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows opens December 16th. Stick around, cause after the jump, a promo poster and synopsis for Steve McQueens 12 Years A Slave and Safe House starring Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds.

Banners are via Yahoo Movies:

Steve McQueens Shame is getting a lot of buzz, and not just because it's a movie about sex. The film is rated NC-17, yet is still getting a considerable amount of Oscar Buzz, which to me is rather shocking consider The Academy tends to lean more towards a conservative side. Anywho, with the positive buzz, it only seems right that we're given the first synopsis and promo poster for Steve McQueens next film, 12 Years A Slave. McQueen works again with Michael Fassbender in the adaptation of Solomon Northup's autobiography. Northup was a free, educated black man who lived in New York City when he was kidnapped and forced into slavery for 12 years in the south. Chiwetel Ejiofor will star as Northup alongside Fassbender and Brad Pitt. I'm a huge fan of Ejofor, and not just because he made a very large appearance in Serenity. The guys a damn good actor, and it's about time that the world gets to see what he can do. 

Based on a true story, 12 YEARS A SLAVE is a riveting account of a free black man kidnapped from New York and sold into brutal slavery in mid-1850s Louisiana, and the inspiring story of his desperate struggle to return home to his family.
SOLOMON NORTHUP (Chiwtel Ejiofor), an educated black man with a gift for music, lives with his wife and children in Saratoga, New York. One day, when his family is out of town, he is approached by two men claiming to be circus promoters. Solomon agrees to travel with them briefly, playing the fiddle while they perform. But after sharing a drink with the men, he awakens to find he has been drugged and bound and faces a horrifying reality: he is being shipped to the South as a slave.
No one listens to Solomon’s claim that he has papers proving his status as a free man. Despairing, he plots his escape, only to be foiled at every turn. He is sold to WILLIAM FORD, a kindly mill owner who appreciates Solomon’s thoughtful nature. But Ford is forced to sell him to a cruel master who subjects him and other slaves to unspeakable brutality. For years, Solomon nurtures his dreams of returninghome. He stashes slips of stolen paper in his fiddle and develops a natural ink with which to write a letter. But when his greatest efforts come to nothing, he realizes just how trapped he is. Even if he could write the letter without being caught, where would he send it? Whom could he trust to deliver it? And will he even survive long enough to be rescued?
Refusing to abandon hope, Solomon watches helplessly as those around him succumb to violence, crushing emotional abuse and hopelessness. He realizes that he will have to take incredible risks, and depend on the most unlikely people, if he is ever to regain his freedom and be reunited with his family.

 And finally, we'll end with Safe House. Safe House centers on a young CIA agent (Ryan Reynolds) who's given the job of transporting a dangerous criminal (Denzel Washington) to a new location after their safe house is attacked. In the poster below, you'll see Denzel with his bad-ass-ified face on, which can only lead to one thing: he's gunna be kicking some ass again. Which I'm very okay with. Also starring in the film are Vera Farmiga, Brendan Gleeson, Liam Cunningham, Tim McGraw, and Sam Shepard. The film is due out February 10, 2012.

The poster is via Moviefone

The image is via Cinepop via The Playlist

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