Sunday, December 4, 2011

Possible Synopsis for Remake of AKIRA

I've been doing what I can to keep you all updated on the news of this Akira remake. I will say I did forget to post that Ken Watanabe was offered the role of The Colonel as Gary Oldman turned the role down. That was my mistake. But honestly, it may not even matter. After looking at the synopsis, well, I've grown disinterested in the project as a whole.
Kaneda (Garrett Hedlund) is a bar owner in Neo-Manhattan who is stunned when his brother, Tetsuo, is abducted by government agents led by The Colonel.
Desperate to get his brother back, Kaneda agrees to join with Ky Reed (Kristen Stewart) and her underground movement who are intent on revealing to the world what truly happened to New York City thirty years ago when it was destroyed. Kaneda believes their theories to be ludicrous but after finding his brother again, is shocked when he displays telekinetic powers.
Ky believes Tetsuo is headed to release a young boy, Akira, who has taken control of Tetsuo’s mind. Kaneda clashes with The Colonel’s troops on his way to stop Tetsuo from releasing Akira but arrives too late. Akira soon emerges from his prison courtesy of Tetsuo as Kaneda races in to save his brother before Akira once again destroys Manhattan island, as he did thirty years ago.
Okay. I don't have a huge problem with making Kaneda the owner of a bar. That's fine. One of the biggest things in the anime was that Kaneda drove his motorcycle. Just because you own a bar, doesn't mean you can't ride a motorcycle. The one thing that really drives me crazy is if, in this remake, they're actually making Kaneda and Tetsuo brothers. They're young childhood friends. I know that there's the whole idea where you want to make a remake your own, but don't change that. That's just stupid. Keep it simple and only change what you have to. Also, it's actually sinking in that Kristen Stewart will be starring in the movie. It hurts to see that.

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