Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jared Harris will play Ulysses S. Grant in LINCOLN; Plus An Image of Daniel Day-Lewis as LINCOLN

Jared Harris is slowly growing into one of my favorite actors. The guy has been in comedies, indie films, dramas, and is a fantastic television actor. So finding out that he's been cast as Ulysses S. Grant in Steven Speilberg's Lincoln doesn't surprise me. Being that it's based on the biography written by Dolores Kearns Goodwin, Grant won't be a major character, but that doesn't take away the fact that Harris is someone who demands your attention.

Lincoln covers the last four months of the civil war. Grant rises to prominence beginning with his decisive victories battles at Shiloh and Vicksburg, and his continued success on the battlefield eventually earned him command of all Union armies in 1964. It makes sense that Grant will be playing a small role in the film considering that the cast is really just gigantic and amazing. The film stars Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln, as well as Sally Field, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Tommy Lee Jones, James Spader, John Hawkes, Michael Stuhlbarg, David Strathairn, Walton Goggins, David Oyelowo, Tim Blake Nelson, Bruce McGill, Jackie Earle Haley, and Lee Pace. Yeah. That's a lot.

Anywho, Lincoln will be released in late 2012. After the jump, check out an off-set photo of Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln. It's truly just startling.

Casting News for ENDERS GAME

So, I had a busy week during Thanksgiving Break. During that busy week, I took time to go and see the fantastic film Hugo, where I had the chance to judge young actor Asa Butterfield. In the back of mind, I wanted to pay attention and see if he could be Andrew (Ender) Wiggin. My final thoughts? This is our Ender. And according to my sources, he agreed to it as well. And with that in the bad, the studio is now setting their sights on casting Colonel Hyrum Graff. For those unfamiliar with Graff, he is pretty much a surrogate father for all of the children at the Battle School, but takes notice of Ender in particular.

One of the possible candidates for the role? Variety reports that one of the possibilities include sci-fi favorite Harrison Ford. Talks were originally going on with Viggo Mortensen, but they didn't work out, which actually really sucks since Viggo is just bad-ass in so many ways. Harrison Ford ain't too shabby though, and with his addition in the film, IF it happens, this will definitely catch the eye of many people who are uncertain of the movie being made. I still have my doubts due to Gavin Hood directing. We all saw how X-Men Origins: Wolverine worked out. Don't want another thing like that happening again. Anywho, when more news comes around, I'll let you all know as soon as possible.

Ender's Game will be in theaters March 15, 2013

My List of Films to See in December!

Yes. It's been a while, and for that, I apologize. But let's get back on track! First! Here is a list, brief synopsis, and reasons to see a lot of the films coming out in December!

  • Shame
  • Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
  • Young Adult
  • We Need To Talk About Kevin
  • Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows
  • Carnage
  • The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
  • The Adventures of TinTin
  • Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
  • We Bought A Zoo
  • War Horse
  • The Iron Lady
Here's the list. Now, after the jump, find out why.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Thankgiving Break

I apologize for the lack of postings over the past few days...been enjoying my Thanksgiving break. But I promise, I will have numerous tid-bits for you all!!!

  • Reviews on The Muppets, The Descendants, and Hugo.
  • Images from The Dark Knight Rises
  • Start giving some thoughts on the Oscar race
  • My list of the top films to see in December!
Anywho, I hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, and Richard Linklater Plan to Write New BEFORE SUNRISE Sequel

There aren't many movies that can get by without any action or huge, expensive sequences and still be a completely interesting movie. Before Sunrise was one of those rare films. The film stars Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy as two characters who, in a short time together, talk about everything and create such a bond while walking the streets of Vienna. It's something that, in a way, I think we all wish we could have: just one night with a complete stranger to talk to about life, love, and everything in between.

Nine years later, the sequel, Before Sunset, came out, and this was just as beautiful. Picking up where they left off, the film takes place in real time and shows the afternoon that both characters spend together in Paris. This came out in 2004. The two films are some of the most beautiful movies I've had the chance to watch. And now, according to Ethan Hawke, the trio have been discussing a sequel over the last six months, and will try to write the screenplay by next year. 

Hit the jump to find out more details on the possible third Sunrise film.

News on THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (Possible Spoilers)

For the upcoming November 24th issue of Empire magazine, there is A LOT of news revolving around The Dark Knight Rises. Yeah. I'm buying a copy. First off, I shall begin with the cover of the magazine. Empire has two different covers they'll be releasing: one of Batman and one of Bane. Both look fucking badass. Here they are, courtesy of Empire:

My first thought was: What exactly is that awesome thing Batman is holding and where can I get one?!  It may just be me, but it somewhat reminds me of the awesome stun-gun that Batman uses in Arkham City. If you have any other possible ideas on what it may be, post a comment and speak your thoughts!

Check out the rest of the news after the jump!! There are several new images, and an explanation to why Bane is wearing that mask. There are possible spoilers, so be alert

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Joss Whedon Talks about the Characters of THE AVENGERS

Joss Whedon is God. Deal with it. Well. Yeah. Anyway. What he's doing with The Avengers is something that's just about never been done before. You have the classic superhero movie that focuses on the key guy (or gal) who save the world numerous times, then something bad happens and seems like, "Aw shit this is bad", but they overcome that moment and just end up kicking ass. This is different. This is taking seven different characters who play some significant role in saving the world, giving them enough time together, and finding a way for them to put their personalities aside to take on the biggest threat the world may see for some time.

In an interview with Yahoo! Movies, Joss talks about what we can expect to see from Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), Captain America (Chris Evans), Thor (Chris Hemsworth), The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), and Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). Also starring in the film are Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Cobie Smulders, and Tom Hiddleston. The Avengers will open in 3D on May 4, 2012. Hit the jump to read some excerpts of the interview.

Big Screen Adaptation of Classic Game RAMPAGE Being Developed by New Line

Remember Rampage? You got the play as either a giant King Kong-sized gorilla, a Godzilla-like lizard, or a towering werewolf, and just destroyed shit and ate people. God that was exciting! Well, soon enough, George, Lizzie, and Ralph will be coming to a city near you! New Line Cinema is currently in the process of developing a big screen adaptation of Rampage. I'm not exactly sure what the story will be about, or how a plot will be created exactly, but you know what? I don't care. Just give me monsters destroying tons of shit and I'll be happy. Hit the jump to read more news on Rampage.

New Episodes of ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT Coming to Netflix

It's been six long years since the Bluth family brought entertainment into America's living rooms. But finally, after years of demand and rumors, new episodes of Arrested Development will be returning in 2013. And if you're a Netflix subscriber, then you will be the one's who get to watch. This isn't the first show that Netflix plans on streaming right off the bat, as that honor goes to House of Cards starring Kevin Spacey. But this will be the highest-profile project of Netflix, and it seems like they're doing well rebounding from their stupid moves about a month ago. Hit the jump for many more details on this reunion.

Andrew Kevin Walker Jumps On David Fincher's 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA

If you think the big name here to get excited for is David Fincher, for just this once I'll have to disagree with you. Many of you probably don't know who Andrew Kevin Walker is. Well, I'll tell you this. Without him, we wouldn't have the Fincher classic and favorte Se7en. I'm sure that caught your attention. After the release of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, no one is sure exactly what Fincher will do next. It's possible that he may work on the epic Cleopatra which is being re-written by Benjamin Button scribe Eric Roth. But with Deadline reporting that Walker will be tweaking the script written by Scott Z. Burns (The Bourne Ultimatum), no one's really all that sure.


Here's what us Great Gatsby fans have all been waiting for: Leonardo DiCaprio has Jay Gatsby and Carey Mulligan as Daisy. I was worried at first about the cast they chose for The Great Gatsby, not because they're not talented, but just because I had a different idea in mind on who should have been cast. But, I'm officially on board as far as cast goes. Now it's just executing the book into the movie, which is what concerns me, especially with Baz Luhrmann who is one big hit and a lot of misses. Anywho, the images are after the jump. The Great Gatsby opens in 3D on December 25th, 2012.

HUGO Star Asa Butterfield Offered Lead in ENDER'S GAME

I know I'm not the only one who grew up with Ender's Game, so the news of a movie adaptation is pretty exciting. Although, right about now I can guess you all are wondering, "Who the hell is this kid?" Well my friends, you shall see soon enough. Asa Butterfield is starring in the Martin Scorsese film Hugo, which is coming out next Friday. And you better remember this kid's name, since it seems like he may just end up being our Ender Wiggin. For those of you who aren't all that certain about what Ender's Game is, here's a brief description. Recruited as a child soldier, Ender learns battle tactics through the use of anti-gravity games equipped with nothing but his jumpsuit and his wits. To find out more information on the project, hit the jump.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

New Trailer for SHAME

The Steve McQueen drama Shame has released a second trailer, and I have to say, this one may be even better than the first. The adult drama focuses on Brandon (played by Michael Fassbender), a man whose carefully constructed facade conceals his sex addiction. The film, which is NC-17, doesn't hide the fact that it's filled with sex, in fact it wears that rating with pride, using reviews that compare it to adult films such as Last Tango in Paris and Midnight Cowboy. Another fantastic part of the trailer is the heartbreaking, and beautiful, rendition of "New York, New York", which is sung by Carey Mulligan (who plays Brandon's sister, Sissy).

The film will open to a limited release on December 2nd. There is no embed for the trailer, so for now you'll have to head over to Apple to see the trailer.

For those who don't know, here's the official synopsis for Shame:

Brandon (Michael Fassbender) is a New Yorker who shuns intimacy with women but feeds his desires with a compulsive addiction to sex. When his wayward younger sister (Carey Mulligan) moves into his apartment stirring memories of their shared painful past, Brandon’s insular life spirals out of control.

THE AVENGERS Movie Posters

Thanks to Yahoo! and Moviefone, we now have new posters for the upcoming action/adventure film The Avengers. You all should have an idea of what the film is about so I won't bore you with those details. But as far as the posters ('s a banner, but in time they'll be posters), they look pretty damn good. Aside from Tony Stark's head looking photoshopped to the Iron Man suit, yeah I'd buy each one of those.

The film stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Hiddleston, and Cobie Smulders (who doesn't get a poster). The Avengers opens up in 3D on May 4, 2012. Hit the jump to take a look at the banners.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kristen Stewart Offered Female Lead in AKIRA

And my interest in the American remake of Akira has gone down substantially. I'm kidding, but still. Kristen Stewart has been offered the lead female role in the remake of Akira. If you haven't seen all my other posts about what this is about, the story takes place in the future city of New Manhattan and follows Kaneda (played by Garrett Hedlund), the leader of a biker gang tasked with saving his friend Tesuo, who has potentially destructive psychokinetic abilities, from a government medical experiences. According to Twitch, Stewart is up for the part of Kei, "a young medium who becomes the love interest for Kaneda."  Other offers that are still on the table include Gary Oldman for Colonel and Helena Bonham Carter for Lady Miyako. 

I really don't know what to think of Kristen Stewart. I mean, yeah, there's that whole thing with her being in that awful franchise that, at the moment, I don't recall it's name (or just like to forget it's name), but I've seen her in other movies and she wasn't...well...awful. I think with the right direction and the proper script, she could excel. And from what I've seen with Steve Kloves, well, he's a damn good writer, so this is something that might possibly work. But we'll see if she even accepts the role first.


If you're looking for a movie that's truly contending to be an Oscar contender, then you've found it in The Iron Lady. Meryl Streep is playing Margaret Thatcher, who was Britain's highly controversial Prime Minister in the 1980's. That alone is Oscar bait. I honestly don't know much about the woman myself, but with this movie, I feel like I'll know all that has to be known to get Meryl Streep her next Oscar win. I'm not saying that this is making it a bad movie choice, I'm just saying that next time, don't make it so obvious. I'm sure the movie will be spectacular, and I'll definitely be there to see it.

Also starring in the film are Harry Lloyd, Jim Broadbent, Anthony Stewart Head, and Olivia Colman. The Iron Lady opens for an awards-qualifying run in New York and Los Angeles on December 30th, and will open in limited releases nationwide on January 13th. After the trailer, hit the jump for the trailer of Being Flynn, starring Paul Dano, Robert De Niro, and Julianne Moore.

London, 2008. In her well-appointed apartment, the elderly former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher prepares breakfast for her husband Denis, as she has every morning of their married life. It’s not until Margaret’s personal aide bustles in that we see that Margaret sits at the table alone. Denis is alive only in her imagination.
Once described in life as “always present, never there”, Denis is still present for Margaret. Is he a loving memory made flesh? A manifestation of her grief? Or perhaps her conscience, taking her to task?
Locked in the infuriating inaction of retirement and battling ill health, Margaret is ambushed by memories. Fragments of her private life and of her premiership crowd in to her mind and she relives them in vivid detail. As she struggles to maintain her equilibrium, Denis teases and needles her. The struggle, the triumphs, the betrayals – in the end, what did she achieve? When all is said and done, was it worth it?
THE IRON LADY is the story of a woman who came from nowhere to smash through barriers of gender and class to be heard in a male dominated world. It is a film about power and the price that is paid for power, a story that is both unique and universal.


Now I've never read the books for The Hunger Games, so I don't really know much about it except for what everyone keeps on saying. I'm hearing that it's fantastic, a ton of action, and just so much more good details that I am slightly interested in the books. But I guess I'll have to make due with the movies for now. And as far as the first movie goes, well, okay. The trailer was good in that it definitely brought everyone who has no idea what the plot is up to speed. That was definitely a smart idea if I do say so myself. All I know is that with the next trailer that comes out, it absolutely has to show some of the action sequences I've heard so much about. If they decide to show the action in the next trailer, and if the action sequences are good, the I'll completely be sold into the movie. For now, consider me halfway there. The acting does seem pretty solid though, lead by the wonderful and beautiful Jennifer Lawrence.

Hit the jump for the trailer. The film also stars Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Stanley Tucci, Lenny Kravitz, and Donald Sutherland. The Hunger Games opens March 23, 2012.

Monday, November 14, 2011

David Yates to Direct DOCTOR WHO Movie

Yes, you read that right. There's going to be a Doctor Who movie directed by David Yates, who's known for putting his touch on the final four films of the Harry Potter franchise. For those of you who are unaware of what Doctor Who is, well, a) get out of your rock, and b), well, here. It follows an alien known as The Doctor who travels across time and space with a human companion. The Doctor is known as a "Time Lord" who travels in his TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space), which is a big blue London Police box. He can also regenerate his form when he's about to die, so there have been many Doctors in the past. The show is currently the longest running television show in history, and there have been 11 Doctors, the most recent being played by Matt Smith. Hit the jump for more details involving the movie and how Yates plans to go about it.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Billy Crystal to Host the Oscars

Well, that happened quickly. After Brett Ratner said some stupid shit and him and Eddie Murphy dropping out of the Oscars, both have been replaced. Brian Grazer will be producing the Oscars, and he was able to bring back Billy Crystal to host. Billy Crystal Tweeted it, and Variety officially confirmed the news.
Am doing the Oscars so the young woman in the pharmacy will stop asking my name when I pick up my prescriptions. Looking forward to the show
Crystal is a very safe choice, and one that I have no problem with. This will be his eighth time hosting the Oscars, and after the extremely disappointing hosts from last year (sorry James and Anne, but it's true), it'll be nice to have someone who can, for sure, bring about laughs and excitement. The official press release will be after the break.


Things have been a tad bit slow lately in the movie news world. Which, well, I'm not complaining really. A break is always needed. And while this isn't exactly gigantic news, well, it's nice to look at. New posters have been released for The Flowers of War starring Christian Bale, Coriolanus, directed by Ralph Fiennes who also stars in the film as well as Gerard Butler, and Goon starring Seann William Scott. The Flowers of War poster is pretty fantastic I must say, while the Coriolanus poster just looks bad-ass. As far as Goon goes, I like it. Nothing stands out, but it's simple and gets to the point.

The Flowers of War will be released in China on December 16h and sometime in December in the U.S., Coriolanus opens January 20th, 2012, and Goon will be available on VOD February 24th, and in theaters March 30th. Hit the jump for the three posters.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Rufus Sewell Joins PARADISE LOST; Jessica Chastain to Star in Princess Diana Biopic

Rufus Sewell is one of the best unknown actors in my opinion. He appears here and there, and yet you probably haven't even noticed him. He played Count Adhemar in A Knight's Tale, the tiny role of Fortinbras in Hamlet, and was a part of the ensemble cast of Paris, Je T'aime. This time, he will be a part of the ever growing cast of Alex Proyas's adaptation of Paradise Lost. For those of you unfamiliar with Proyas, he was the director of The Crow and the fantastic futuristic/noir film Dark City, in which Sewell starred in. Sewell will take on the role of Sammael opposite Bradley Cooper as Lucifer and Benjamin Walker as Michael. The story centers on the battle between the two archangels when the banished Lucifer takes on the forces of Heaven.

The film also stars Casey Affleck as the angel Gabriel, Dijmon Hounsou as the Angel of Death, Camilla Belle as Eve, Sam Reid as Raphael, Callan McAuliffe as Uriel, and Dominic Purcell as Moloch. The film is aiming for a 2013 release. Check out what Jessica Chastain has planned next for her growing movie career after the break.

News Involving The 84th Academy Awards

It's finally reaching that time of the year: The Oscars. Or well, the build up to it. Where we begin to wonder, who the fucks gunna be nominated? Well. I don't know. I just predict. I tend to be wrong, but it won't stop me. Anywho. I have my first bit of Oscar news and I'm sharing it with you all. 18 animated films have been submitted for consideration for Best Animated Feature. There are certain qualifying rules, the main one being that each film has to have a theatrical release. For the award to be presented at all, 8 animated films must be released in theaters in Los Angeles County.

Looking at the past 10 years, Disney/Pixar has won the award 6 times. But all they really have this year is Cars 2, so it'll be a nice change to see who wins it. You have The Adventures of Tintin, Rango, Kung Fu Panda 2, and Puss In Boots that are all going to be big players. To check out the rest of the list, plus to see Warner Brothers For Your Consideration sites, hit the jump.

Set Photos from CHARLIE SWAN starring Bill Murray, Jason Schwartzman, and Charlie Sheen; A Treat from THE MUPPETS

I'm posting images here for one reason. Charlie Sheen. Yeah. He's in a movie. Do you really care who's directing it? Or the plot? Or anything else really? Well. I guess it's still my job to tell you. So! It's directed by Roman Coppola, who hasn't really done anything of significance. The full title of the movie is A Glimpse Inside the Mind of Charlie Swan III. The plot of the movie is about a successful graphic designer whose fame and fortune have made him irresistible to women. After his girlfriend breaks up with him, he heads into a downward spiral that forces him to look back on his failed romantic history. It's Charlie Sheen playing Charlie Sheen in a movie. It's actually perfect. The film also has Bill Murray and Jason Scwhartzman doing his best impression of Bob Ross, and succeeding. Anywho. Who cares. Here are the images via Charlie Sheen's Twitter, and after the break check out the opening dance sequence from The Muppets.

Trailer for GOON with Seann William Scott

If you like hockey, you'll love this. Goon is about a sweet, simple-minded guy, who has the talent to kick the living shit out of people, which makes him the ideal enforcer in hockey. The trailer has been released, and, well, it's funny, violent, and it's a film I can't wait to see. I'll post both the red-band trailer and the regular trailer. The film also stars Jay Baruchel, Kim Coates, Eugene Levy, Alison Pill, and Liev Schreiber. The film will be released February 24, 2011.

Unfortunately, this is another trailer I can't embed here since blogger has it's restrictions. So here are the links for the green-band trailer and the red-band trailer

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Garret Hedlund in Talks for AKIRA; Benicio Del Toro as Villain in STAR TREK Sequel


Doing all I can to keep you all posted on Akira, and this is the latest. Garrett Hedlund, the emotionless door from TRON: Legacy is being courted for the role of Kaneda. I'm extremely mixed on Hedlund. I haven't seen Georgia Rule or Country Strong so I can't comment on those films. I have seen him in Death Sentence, and I'll admit, he was fantastic. But then there was TRON: Legacy which was just disappointing. So I'm not sure what we'll get out of him. But I have faith. Here's the official synopsis for Akira, and after the break, check out the news for the Star Trek sequel.
Akira is set in the post-apocalypse Neo-Tokyo of 2019, a vast metropolis built on the ashes of a Tokyo annihilated by an apocalyptic blast of unknown power that triggered World War III. The lives of two streetwise teenage friends, Tetsuo and Kaneda, change forever when dormant paranormal abilities begin to waken in Tetsuo, who becomes a target for a shadowy government operation, a group who will stop at nothing to prevent another catastrophe like that which leveled Tokyo. And at the core of their motivation is a raw, all-consuming fear: a fear of someone — or something — of unthinkably monstrous power known only as… Akira. And Akira is about to rise! 

Next James Bond Movie Titled SKYFALL; New BLADE RUNNER Will Be A Sequel

I have not had the chance to see any of the most recent James Bond films yet. From what I hear, the first one was good but the second one blew something awful. Doesn't matter to me. All I care about is the third one. Why do I only care about the third one? Well. Any movie that has Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, and Albert Finney is bound to be a pretty bad-ass film. The fact it's James Bond doesn't influence my decision at all. But for those of you who are interested for the whole James Bond thing, here are more details. First off, SONY has confirmed that the title for this film is Skyfall. The logline for the film, which was tweeted from the official James Bond twitter, @007, is:
“Bond’s loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost.”
Check out more info, plus details on the Blade Runner sequel after the jump.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

First Image of Bill Murray as FDR in HYDE PARK ON THE HUDSON; Set Photos from GANGSTER SQUAD

Franklin D. Roosevelt was a pretty bad ass President if I do say so myself. Bill Murray is a pretty bad ass...just...person in general. So when I found out Bill Murray was playing's amazing really. The film in which we will see such a perfect pairing is Hyde Park on the Hudson, which focuses on Roosevelt's affair with his cousin, Daisy, during a weekend in 1939 which marked the first ever visit to America by a British monarchy when King George VI and Queen Elizabeth visited FDR's upstate New York cottage. Olivia Williams will be playing FDR's wife Elanor while Laura Linney will play Daisy. Here is the first image of FDR, courtesy of USA Today

After the jump, check out the set photos from Gangster Squad.

More Images from SAFE HOUSE, Plus the First Trailer

At first glance, I didn't care much for Safe House. Yeah I'ma big Reynolds and Denzel fan, but I just didn't really want to bother with this film. I was wrong. I should have been interested in the film from the start. After watching the trailer, the chemistry between Reynolds and Denzel is fantastic. They play two different roles, and the dynamic between the two is pretty damn good. It's also fun watching Denzel playing the bad guy and just how quickly he can go from being charming to being a pure fucking bad-ass. Unfortunately, there is no embed for the trailer yet, so I'll be directing you over to the ITunes website.

To get the trailer and the images, hit the jump. Also starring in Safe House are Brendan Gleeson, Sam Shepard, Vera Farmiga, Liam Cunningham, and Ruban Blades. Safe House opens February 10, 2012.

New Posters for RAMPART, THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO, SHAME, and Several Others!

There's not really much to say here. Numerous posters have been given for Rampart, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, The Darkest House, Shame, and Now You See Me. All of these seem like fantastic movies, and I'll be seeing each one. I'll post Rampart here and the rest will be after the break.

Posters courtesy of EW and IMP

A genre-bending, 1990s Los Angeles police family drama, Rampart explores the dark soul and romantic misadventures of a never- changing LAPD cop (Woody Harrelson) whose past is finally catching up with him in the wake of a department-wide corruption scandal. Along the way, he is forced to confront his disgruntled daughters (Brie Larson, Sammy Boyarsky), his two ex-wives (Anne Heche, Cynthia Nixon), a tenacious Deputy DA (Sigourney Weaver), an investigator on his trail (Ice Cube), a homeless witness to his crimes (Ben Foster), his aging mentor (Ned Beatty) and a mysterious new lover who may or may not be on his side (Robin Wright), as he fights for his own sanity and survival.

Ricky Gervais Hosting Golden Globes Again?


Well, this is a twist. According to NY Post, Ricky Gervais may end up hosting the Golden Globes again. When he hosted last, while it may have been funny as all hell, lines were crossed.  Huge lines, and it was just about certain he would never be hosting, anything, again. But Gervais, Aida Takla--O'Reilly (president of Hollywood Foreign Press Association), and Doug Vaughan (NBC's head of specials), were spotted at a dinner at Chez Benoit in Paris. While Gervais has said NBC asked him back, he was not certain if he would do it. The way it seemed at the dinner though, as reported by NY Posts "spy", 
“The Champagne was flowing and glasses were clinking."

RISE OF THE PLANET OF THE APES Sequels, Plus Studio Aiming to Get Serkis an Oscar Nom

I still haven't had a chance to go out and see Rise of the Planet of the Apes, but from everything I've read and heard, it was a fantastic movie. It's something I'm dying to see, and will aim to see before the Oscar Race is announced. Until then, I'll tell you all what I know. Fox is planning multiple sequels for this newly revived franchise, as Deadline reports Andy Serkis (who performed as Caesar) is the first actor to be locked in for the follow-up as well as any future installments. Hit the jump to read about the possible Oscar push for Andy Serkis, and what directed Rupert Wyatt has to say about all of this.

Next James Bond Movie Titled SKYFALL; New BLADE RUNNER Will Be A Sequel

I have not had the chance to see any of the most recent James Bond films yet. From what I hear, the first one was good but the second one blew something awful. Doesn't matter to me. All I care about is the third one. Why do I only care about the third one? Well. Any movie that has Javier Bardem, Ralph Fiennes, and Albert Finney is bound to be a pretty bad-ass film. The fact it's James Bond doesn't influence my decision at all. But for those of you who are interested for the whole James Bond thing, here are more details. First off, SONY has confirmed that the title for this film is Skyfall. The logline for the film, which was tweeted from the official James Bond twitter, @007, is:
“Bond’s loyalty to M is tested as her past comes back to haunt her. As MI6 comes under attack, 007 must track down and destroy the threat, no matter how personal the cost.”
Check out more info, plus details on the Blade Runner sequel after the jump.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


Martin McDonagh's In Bruges is a fantastic, underrated film that no one seems to know. It's sad really, but with having seen In Bruges, I'm extremely excited to see his next film Seven Psychopaths. The film is starring Colin Farrell, Sam Rockwell, Christopher Walken, and Mickey Rourke. If you've seen In Bruges, you know then that it was a brutally funny black comedy, which makes me pumped for this film, considering the cast is just fantastic. Here's the premise for Seven Psychopaths:
From Oscar-winning writer and director Martin McDonagh comes a star-studded, blood-drenched, black comedy. Marty (Colin Farrell) is a struggling writer who dreams of finishing his screenplay Seven Psychopaths. All he needs is a little focus and inspiration.
Billy (Sam Rockwell) is Marty’s best friend, an unemployed actor and part time dog thief, who wants to help Marty by any means necessary.
Hans (Christopher Walken) is Billy’s partner in crime. A religious man with a violent past. Charlie is the psychopathetic gangster whose beloved dog, Billy and Hans have just stolen. Charlie’s unpredictable, extremely violent and wouldn’t think twice about killing anyone or anything associated with the theft. Marty is going to get all the focus and inspiration he needs, just as long as he lives to tell the tale.
Hit the jump for information on  Nicolas Winding Refn's next film Only God Forgives.

ONCE Director John Carney to Direct DOGS OF BABEL; Guy Pearce, Ben Foster, Kelly MacDonald to Star in Steve Buscemi's QUEER

Once is one of my all time favorite musical films. It's one that I can watch over and over and still be moved. Carney is making his move stateside now as he directs the dramatic comedy Dogs of Babel. Steve Carell is set to star as a linguistics professor who finds his wife dead in their backyard. Filled with grief and unable to accept the police's ruling that it was an accident, the professor attempts to teach their dog to speak in order to discover the truth. While this is a much different film than Once, Carney showed he's able to blend both the comic and the melancholy to beautiful effect, which leaves me feeling confident that he was chosen to direct this film. After the jump, find out what's going on with Steve Buscemi's adaptation of Queer.

Characters Posters for SHERLOCK HOLMES: A GAME OF SHADOWS; Promo Poster for 12 YEARS A SLAVE; Images and Poster from SAFE HOUSE

We have a lot going on here, so let's get going. First off, character posters for Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows have been released, and I must admit, I'm more excited to see the movie than I was before. The posters may not be anything special, but these characters seem pretty badass, especially Noomi Rapace who's holding knives. Knives are fun. Anywho, here are the posters. Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows opens December 16th. Stick around, cause after the jump, a promo poster and synopsis for Steve McQueens 12 Years A Slave and Safe House starring Denzel Washington and Ryan Reynolds.

Banners are via Yahoo Movies:

Promo Poster and Synopsis for Untitled Paul Thomas Anderson Project

After the Oscar-Nominated There Will Be Blood, Paul Thomas Anderson has been pretty quiet. Due to funding reasons and several other factors, he hasn't been able to get the project of his choice up off the ground. But, finally, it has been done. It may have taken a few years, but his project that centers on the leader/creator of a faith-based organization and his follows is up and going. Paul Thomas Anderson is known for somehow bringing together a fantastic cast, and he hasn't disappointed this time. Check out the cast, the full promo poster, and the synopsis after the jump.

Hilarious Trailer for The Spanish Comedy CASA DE MI PADRE Starring Will Ferrell

Yeah. You read that right. Will Ferrell is starring as Armando Alvarez, a Mexican rancher who must save his family's farm while simultaneously fending off the drug lord, Onza (Gael Garcia Bernal) and winning the hand of the lovely Sonia (Genesis Rodriguez). If this sounds outrageous, it's because it is. There are a few words to describe the film, and they're stated right in the trailer: passion, adventure, intrigue, betrayal, sex, danger, romance, guns, cigarettes, special effects, and slaps. To see the trailer and find out a bit more information on the film, hit the jump.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


According to Batman On Film, the 2nd trailer for The Dark Knight Rises may be attached to Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. This hasn't been officially confirmed, as the website states that they've been "unofficially" told. But still, this makes a lot of sense. Both films are a product of Warner Bros., with Sherlock Holmes being released on December 16th. Keep in mind that the prologue for TDKR will be released in front of Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol in all 70 mm IMAX theaters, so getting a double dosage of TDKR seems fantastic. When this is official, I'll let you all know. The Dark Knight Rises opens July 20, 2012.

Trailer for SHAME Starring Michael Fassbender and Carey Mulligan

The US trailer for Shame, directed by Steve McQueen, has hit the internet. The film stars Michael Fassbender as Brendan, a sex addict whose tightly-constructed world is slowly spiraling out of control and the situation only becomes worse when his screw-up of a sister (Carey Mulligan) comes into his life. The film has a rating of NC-17, but this hasn't stopped Fox Searchlight from trying to advertise it publicly. It seems like they're aiming to sell it primarily at adults which could work considering the sex that's seen in the film, from what I've read, isn't all that sexy at all. The trailer is able to show how Brendan's life begins to be breaking apart piece by piece, and the film seems like it's going to be pretty fantastic.

Hit the break to check out the trailer. Shame opens in  limited release on December 2nd.

Michael Caine Joins NOW YOU SEE ME

Joining an already fantastic cast, Michael Caine has stepped into the picture and will also be in Louis Letterier's heist-thriller Now You See Me. The film follows an FBI squad on the heels of a team of bank-robbing magicians who share their profits with the audience. Caine will play the role of Arthur Tressler, the magician's sponsor. This won't be the first magician film that Caine has been a part of, playing a huge role in Christopher Nolan's The Prestige, but it's safe to say that this is much different territory as far as the type of magician film this is. Caine is joining a cast that already consists of Woody Harrelson, Jesse Eisenberg, Morgan Freeman, Isla Fisher, Mark Ruffalo, and Melanie Laurent. Now You See Me will be revealed on January 18th, 2013.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

John Goodman and Justin Timberlake Join Coen Brothers' INSIDE LLEWYN DAVIS

The Coen Brothers have done no wrong in my opinion. They continue to create fantastic movies, all somewhat different but with the same result of them being fucking awesome. Well, from the way it's looking, they're on the way to making another hit. Inside Llewyn Davis follows a young musician trying to make it in the 1960's Greenwich Village folk scene. So far, the movie has Oscar Isaac, who was fantastic in Drive, and it has Carey Mulligan, who was also fantastic in Drive but is just a great actress to begin with. Joining this cast is Justin Timberlake and John Goodman. Goodman has been a frequent collaborator of The Coen Brothers, starting with Barton Fink (which I highly recommend). He hasn't been in a Coen Brothers film for over 10 years though, with the musical O Brother, Where Art Thou?, which I also thought was brilliant. There are no details for Goodman's character, so we'll see what comes up. As well as Goodman, Justin Timberlake has been offered a co-lead in the film. Hit the break for more details.


Last Friday I decided to head into Manhattan to see if I could find where the shooting for The Dark Knight Rises was taking place. I failed. My friend and I checked every gorram location and they were no where to be found. Assholes. But. Doesn't mean they didn't shoot. Since they did. Somewhere. I don't know where exactly. But they did. Anywho. Check out some of the images after the break. If you truly don't want to know a single thing that's going on, there may be some spoilers for you. But to me, they're fun to look at, and I'm excited. The Dark Knight Rises opens July 20, 2012 and stars many, many people.