Saturday, October 1, 2011

ARGO Release Date; Steve Carells next Film, and Much More That I'm Stuffing In Here

I was trying to balance out the amount of news I wanted to post so it didn't seem like I was overwhelming the very few people who may actually read this, but now I'm becoming overwhelmed. So, I'm looking at my own sanity here and I'm deciding to post a ton of news right here.

  • A release date has been set for Ben Affleck's political thriller Argo. The date is set for September 14, 2012. Now this is important for several different reasons. For one, the summer of 2012 is including releases of movies such as The Dark Knight Rises, Total Recall, and The Amazing Spider-man. Needless to say, I doubt WB wants to release Argo against any of those. Also, what happens in 2012? The next election. This movie may get a bit more buzz for this reason alone, and I have to admit, I'm excited. Along with Ben Affleck, also starring is Alan Arkin, John Goodman, and Bryan Cranston.

After the break I'll have news about what Steve Carell will be starring in next, a trailer, Charlie Kaufman's next film, more Flight information, and much more!

  • For anyone who's played L.A. Noire, you may appreciate this. The WB film Gangster Squad has a release date. The film is based on the true story of gangster Micky Cohen (played by Sean Penn), who, if you remember from the game, is one of the main antagonists in the game. The film talks about the true story of an Los Angeles Police Department task force who's mission is to bring down Mickey Cohen. The film will be released October 19, 2012, and is also starring Josh Brolin, Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone, Nick Nolte, Michael Peña, Anthony Mackie, and Giovanni Ribisi. 
  • Steve Carell will be playing a role none of us could have EVER imagined in the film Foxcatcher. The film will be directed by Bennett Miller (Moneyball, Capote), and tells the true story of "John du Pont, a paranoid schizophrenic who built a wrestling training facility on his 800-acre Pennsylvania estate where he subsequently shot and killed Olmypic gold medal-winning wrestler David Schultz in 1996.Heir to his family’s chemical fortune, du Pont locked himself in his mansion for two days after murdering his friend, and spent the time on the phone with negotiators. The authorities were finally able to lure the man out of his house when they shut off his power and heat." Wow. I'll stop here and let you all take that in.
  •  I'm sure most of you enjoyed Zombieland. If you did, well, Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg are teaming up again in the magician heist film Now You See Me. Directed by Louis Leterrier (The Incredible Hulk, Clash of the Titans[eek]), the film centers on "an illusionist troupe that pulls off bank heists in the middle of their bewildering performances, then gives the loot to the audience." Other stars in the film include Mark Ruffalo, Morgan Freeman, Isla Fischer, and Melanie Laurent. Variety reports that Harrelson's character is "a mentalist and hypnotist known for his Jedi-style mind tricks.” I'm in.
  • Boarding the film Flight next will be Oscar-Winning actress Melissa Leo and actor James Badge Dale. THR reports that Melissa Leo's character is "an investigator who is determined to expose the fact that Washington was under the influence while flying the plane, while Dale will be playing a dying cancer patient." I'm shocked that this is the first I've heard of Leo since her win, but her inclusion in this film just shows that Zemeckis is really going all out with this effort.
  • Charlie Kaufman is one of my biggest inspiration and one of my favorite filmmakers and writers of all time. He truly dazzles me with everything he creates, and I haven't been disappointed once. His next film is looking to be solid, and I'm excited. It's called Frank or Francis, and is starring Jack Black, Steve Carell, and Nicholas Cage. Now before you bash Nicholas Cage, keep in mind that Nick Cage's best film may have been written by Charlie Kaufman, that's right, Adaptation. bitches. But to make this cast even better, Kevin Kline has now joined the film. Variety reports that Kline will be playing a character named Richard, the brother of a director whose calling card is Hiroshima, the highest grossing film of all time. Additionally, Kline will be playing Richard’s Head, which is an animatronic head that helps Richard’s brother “develop a completely inoffensive product that will have the broadest possible appeal and zero artistic integrity.” Yeah. Kaufman's at it again.
  • FINALLY, yeah, I've posted a lot, but, I don't care, there is reports of a new Twilight Zone film. Now, I never was into the Twilight Zone, but that may change. The list of directors that WB is piling up is somewhat impressive, and I'm sure you will all agree with me. Alfonso Cuaron (Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Children of Men), Rupert Wyatt (The Escapist, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Michael Bay (Transformers, Armageddon), and Christoper Nolan (Inception, Memento). To me, none of these are bad choices. Don't just bad mouth Michael Bay yet, since honestly, I think it'd be interesting to see his take on the material. I think it'd be interesting to see what any of them would be doing. I'll keep you posted on who is chosen, but none of them would be a wrong choice.

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