Friday, September 30, 2011

Tons of Fun Stuff from THE AVENGERS

Alright so let's see what we have here. First off, there are new images that are provided by EW. After the images, the cover for this weeks issue of EW reminds us of what the cast looks like. And after the break, there are character details involving each member of The Avengers. So to begin, here are the images given to us!

More images are posted on the link posted above. Now, for the cover of this weeks issue of EW. I'll post it, and then give you my thoughts after the break.

Looking at the poster, well, I'm extremely excited. I'm not looking into the poster way too much since, well, it's for a magazine. But I will say this, I really do pray that the face Mark Ruffalo has on is not his angry face. If it is, then, well, it may be humorous to see him angry then. Here is the article that goes along with the image.

Now, for the final piece of info, in the same special with EW, the cast goes in depth with their characters, and I gotta admit, it's getting me even more excited for the movie. I'll only post a couple here, for the whole story though, check out the interview, it's pretty interesting and rather exciting to see whats going on.

Iron Man: 

What were Robert Downey Jr.’s first meetings like with Whedon when the script was being developed? “Well, I said, ‘I need to be in the opening sequence. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but Tony needs to drive this thing.’ He was like, ‘Okay, let’s try that.’ We tried it and it didn’t work, because this is a different sort of thing, the story and the idea and the theme is the theme, and everybody is just an arm of the octopus. But what was I like?” He laughs. “As usual, just f—ing aggressive and hurtful; whatever. The usual.”

Captain America:

Chris Evans says the Steve Rogers we see inThe Avengers is a much darker, more cynical version after awakening for the first time since World War II. “It’s just about him trying to come to terms with the modern world. You’ve got to imagine, it’s enough of a shock to accept the fact that you’re in a completely different time, but everybody you know is dead. Everybody you cared about,” Evans says. “He was a soldier, obviously, everybody he went to battle with, all of his brothers in arms, they’re all dead. He’s just lonely. I think in the beginning it’s a fish out of water scene, and it’s tough. It’s a tough pill for him to swallow. Then comes trying to find a balance with the modern world.”

There's so much more information, and I highly recommend you look at it. The Avengers, directed and written by Joss Whedon, stars Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Samuel L. Jackson, Jeremy Renner, Scarlett Johansson, and Clark Gregg

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